Hieroglyphic ABC
More than 5000 years ago one of the oldest writings in the world arose in Egypt. The detailed icons decorate temple and grave walls, as well as coffins, but also many art and everyday objects. They talk about gods and people and their life. The training path and the working conditions of an ancient Egyptian writer are also discussed. A reading exercise in the original ancient Egyptian burial chamber completes the course.
The meaning and the structure of the writing is explained and the spelling is learned. At the end each course member can write his or her own name in hieroglyphics on a piece of real papyrus.
Age group: adolescents (12+) and adults (18+)
Duration: about 90 minutes
Opening Hours
Wed to Sun, 10am till 5pm
Thu, 10am till 7pm
70 € including entry fee
MUSEUMS.GUT.SCHEIN (voucher): The KSK Tübingen supports the visit with up to 75€ and up to 50€ for the journey by public transport. More information can be found here.
Bookings: 07071-29-77384
Register: 07071-29-77579
E-Mail: museumuni-tuebingen.de
Ancient Cultures | Collections in Hohentübingen Castle
Burgsteige 11
72070 Tübingen